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Unsatisfied With Your Results? How To Retake The GCE A-level Examinations

Unsatisfied With Your Results? How To Retake The GCE A-level Examinations
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Congratulations on receiving your A-level results. 

We are extremely proud of you for completing another milestone in your academic life! 

Planning to retake A levels for a second time?

You may be thinking of having another go at the A-levels, be it retaking just one H1 subject or the whole A-levels, and we applaud your courage for that.

Lost as to what to do and have no clue how to register as a private candidate or to return to your Junior College?

Well don’t worry, we are here to provide a comprehensive guide on how to retake A-levels.

Retaking The Whole A-levels All On Your Own🫠

Sitting for the entirety of A-levels independently without any school teacher pushing you is a daunting task to take on.

However, with great willpower and determination, retaking A-level on your lonesome self is a very possible goal to achieve!

There have been many cases where students who took the A-levels scored a much higher rank point as compared to before.

Private School Or Go Back To Junior College

While there are many opinions on which route one should take, ultimately the decision comes down to you.

Whether you want the flexibility of being a private student or the guided studies provided by JCs, the decision will be yours to make in the end.

Comparison In Benefits

Taking A-levels as a private student is really flexible as classes usually don’t last for longer than half a day, allowing you to study on your own more, and you still get the support of teachers.

Taking A-levels back in a JC would mean you would have to go back to school during school hours, which may or may not seem like a waste of time to you.

However, going back to JC will give you access to Ministry Of Education-trained (MOE)  teachers and an environment dedicated to studying.

For private students, you would have to register and pay for the A-level examinations by yourself and it can be costly.

For those re-taking with their original JC, however, the school will register you for the A-level examinations, so there is no need to worry or go through the trouble of registering.

Furthermore, JC students who are Singapore Citizens do not have to pay for the A-level examination fees, as they are subsidised by the Singapore Government.

Comparison in Price

Taking A-levels in a private school can be pretty costly, as private tuition costs can range from S$13,000 a year and topping out at S$50,000 a year.

Studying in a public JC depends entirely on what school you are in and your citizenship.

For Singaporeans, it costs S$396 a year, for Singapore Permanent Residents it would cost S$7,284 a year.

For international students, the costs are a lot higher. ASEAN International Students have to pay S$13,524 a year and non-ASEAN international students have to pay S$25,524 a year.

Hopefully, this will help you decide which route you should take.

Source: Freepik

For Singaporean Males 

Want to retake A-levels but you have a duty to serve your nation?

While National Service is an important rite of passage for Singaporean males, your studies are just as important, so if you are eager to retake your A-level examination as soon as possible you should disrupt from National Service.

“What? I can disrupt from National Service? I didn’t think that was possible!” 

Well, you definitely can and we’ve already written an extensive guide on how one can do so, Simply click on the link Disrupting NS Guide: Does It Even Exist? – Guidesify to find out more. 

Registration Process And Cost

Both Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents have a basic examination fee of $64, H1 Subjects cost S$250 while H2 subjects cost S$141.

While International Students have a basic examination fee of $75, H1 Subjects cost S$455 and H2 Subjects cost S$305.

The A-level subjects registration process is super easy and straightforward forward. All you have to do is go to the Google search bar and search for “A Level registration”then click on the very first link that pops up

You will then be redirected to the Singapore Examination and Assessment Board’s (SEAB) website, and click on “Candidates’ Portal”

This will redirect you to the login page for the registration page, then simply log in via Singapass or an existing account and follow the instructions given.

BEFORE choosing the subjects you are taking in the A-level examination, make sure you apply the right subject codes for YOUR syllabus, you can refer to and confirm the subject codes using this link SEAB – A-level Syllabuses Examined for School Candidates 2025

Some Neat Tips And Tricks To Help With Studying🤓

Begin by reviewing your preliminary examination papers as well as past year A-Level papers from the “Ten-Year-Series” (TYS) books to identify your personal areas of weakness. 

Make notes of unfamiliar concepts and prioritise them in your study plan.

Adapt Your Learning Style

Tailor your study methods to suit your learning preferences. 

Visual learners can benefit from diagrams and flashcards, while auditory learners may find reciting information helpful. 

Kinesthetic learners should engage in hands-on activities to reinforce concepts.

Common Yet Effective Studying Technique

Embrace active recall and spaced repetition to enhance memory retention. 

Regularly revisit key concepts and utilise practice papers to gauge your understanding and improve exam readiness.

Manage Your Study Schedule

Pace your study sessions to prevent burnout and maintain productivity. 

Take regular breaks and listen to your body’s needs while staying disciplined in your study routine.

Now that you have the necessary arsenal of knowledge on how to retake the A-level examinations and the viable options you can take, it is time to hit the books and grind for those As! We wish you the best of luck and continue to push on!

Related To:

Disrupting NS Guide: Does It Even Exist?

ORD Guide: Things Every NSFs & NSMen Must Do After ORD

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